what other entrepreneurs like you say…


Chris Bockey 

Founder and CEO of Doculife

Freiburg, Germany

“I worked with Heike as a sparring partner and advisor working through a complex ownership structure of shareholders and stakeholders. Having worked with several advisors and consultants, what distinguishes Heike is that she cuts out the B.S. and supports in an authentic, honest and empathic way that is very unique.” (She asks the right questions and discovers the underlying challenges of a situation, working towards an actionable solution.) I truly value her experience of being a shareholder of a larger company herself and being able to relate to any issues concerning share- and stakeholder politics.”


Verena Huber

Key Account Manager Sanjo

Barcelona, Espana and Stuttgart, Germany

“Working with Heike has been extremely inspiring! Her approach was to empower people and let them grow and develop themselves. With her management experiences in big international corporations and also as a founder, her background is perfect to work with people in very different setups.”


Nathan Morin

Founder and CEO of North Coast Organics

Indiana, USA

“Our long term client, Heike, saw an opportunity in our sustainable focused Certified B Corp to help us deepen our mission, make us more profitable, and help us expand beyond our current market. Since Heike became a partner, she identified a way to phase out plastic, shrink our overhead, & her mentorship convinced me I would have her onshore support to take advantage of the emerging European market she identified for us. Our shared values made Heike a natural partner and I have been delighted by the economic magic she has worked in the past year.”


Dr. Stefanie Gundel

Founder and CEO of Gruendermuetter

Düsseldorf, Germany

“Heike has been such a valuable sparring partner for me. I appreciate her open and direct feedback on my strategic ideas and value most her international perspective. She is also very resourceful when it comes to aspects of sustainability in a business context. We still collaborate together.”


Pedro Merino

Founder and CEO of Haaus

Barcelona, Spain

“Heike confía en las personas y dar les el apoyo que merecen. Es una persona muy motivada y de una energía positiva y alegre. Me encanta su sentido del humor y también su paciencia en alcanzar los retos de negocios que no hemos puesto juntos.”


Aida Trujillo Sierra

Key Account Manager en la industria automotriz

"El hacer partícipe en el crecimiento de la empresa Carl Bechem México a cada miembro del equipo no fue una tarea fácil; ya que cada uno tenía sus ideologías, formas y costumbres. Heike Hundertmark con su estilo único, multicultural, auténtico e innovador supo integrar esa variedad de talentos con su experiencia y calidad humana. Heike con grandes habilidades de comunicación, su approach y su forma de confiar en la gente comenzó a construir su equipo. Entendió a profundidad las particularidades de cada integrante, valoró y creyó en ellas. Descubrió la manera de potencializar en balance nuestras fortalezas, sin dejar a un lado el trabajo constante en la mejora de nuestras áreas de oportunidad. El liderazgo, la flexibilidad, libertad y compromiso son pilares que se fueron construyendo con su ejemplo; marcando un parteaguas en la dirección y ritmo de la empresa. La calidad de vida dentro del trabajo bajo un ambiente cálido, positivo y comprometido; nos impactó sustancialmente tanto en lo profesional como personal. Creó una cultura coherente, determinante y fuerte que al día de hoy sigue viva".